My everyday Life

2 min readJul 27, 2021
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

The year of 2021, has brought me nothing but pain, happiness of love. This year alone I’ve made a lot of drastic changes in my life. From moving out of my dad’s home in California. To getting engaged and moving to Texas to start a new journey in life. Ever since I was 16 to now, I’ve always felt like an outsider and here’s how. For example, whenever, I’d lived in my dad’s home in California I was surrounded by constant fear and knowing that It used to be my father and I living in a two story 4 bedroom house by ourselves felt lonely. All you can see around the house is picture frames of disparity and memories that will never be the same again of the family that my father has always Imagined but failed to have with him. Now that I’m here in Texas I’m not gonna lie I was lonely for the first two weeks only because, I’ve never felt safe and secured until I got used to my surroundings and now It starting to feel at ease. These days my life has been filled with the best of both worlds. I now got a new job working as a online sales representative for Verizon Wireless. I’m a homeowner at the age of 24 thanks to my father purchasing the house for my fiance and I. Now a days I’ve been trying to control my scizophernia.




Born and raised in sunny California. Online college Student. A songwriter at heart.