My world and the light of my Day

3 min readJan 16, 2021
Photo by Wright Brand Bacon on Unsplash

As I wake up every day the first thing that comes on my mind Is the light of my eye and that Is my dearest Caleb. Not only am I moving to Texas to be with him but It’ll definitely become an experience for the both of us. Not only am I moving out of my California but at the same time I’m doing this for us and our future. Before he and I met I found myself In a place of torment and disparity. I felt like I was in a waterfall of fear where I couldn’t swim but I was mainly sinking and sinking. This was mainly because of my ex at the time and now that I met Caleb I feel more at peace and I feel more like myself than ever before. Our relationship/love story isn’t your usual typical love story where we met at my local community college or at the library. Due to COVID 19 we met and fell in love from an online community where I’d never thought, in a million years I’d meet him there or anyone in particular. One of the most important lessons that I’ve learned about myself and just by being with Caleb in general is the fact that I don’t have to live in constant fear anymore and here’s why. Basically, my whole life I’ve always wanted the feeling of acceptance towards others but since I’ve been ashamed myself at times I didn’t think that I would ever find someone who’d accept me for who I am and Caleb felt the same thing to. Not only has our relationship gotten stronger throughout the times that we’ve been together but It…




Born and raised in sunny California. Online college Student. A songwriter at heart.