You and I = Goodbye

2 min readDec 12, 2022
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

As you can see in the picture above me remains with the words “It takes grace to remain kind In Cruel Situations. When I first saw this portrait these words develop a mixture of mixed feelings In my mind. I also just wanted to put out there that I’m back in my home state and that the person I was once with we are no longer together. After being with him for two years, he decided to leave me for another woman out of state so within these last couple of months I was left in pain and heartache. Being with this type of person, especially for that long there was a lot of stuff that no one knew behind the scenes. He and I knew each other for ten years and there was so much that we went through and so much pain that he left me.

I was constantly in fear of myself throughout the times that he was near me. I would constantly cry as he would yell with fury at me and we’d also fight over things that shouldn’t be even fought about. Being with him and looking back at it now was a nightmare since the first day and I wish that I wouldn't leave him sooner. I was never at peace when I was with him and looking back I’m just thankful to be back home safe and sound. He was also known to be the type of control freak that wouldn’t let me do anything or even come to visit my family in California.

Now, as the year 2022, is almost over I’ve come to peace and I’ve been on the verge of continuing to find myself with self-heal and growth. With everything that’s happened this year alone, I take these lessons as experiences day by day. As he’s no longer a part of my life I can honestly say that this chapter of our life has finally been closed and locked away for good. When it comes to love and being with someone no man or woman should ever stick around with the toxicity that they carry around you. If you or someone you know has been in a toxic relationship there’s always a way out of things.




Born and raised in sunny California. Online college Student. A songwriter at heart.